Your Roots


Welcome to Your Roots…

  • Tour Duration: 8hrs

  • Start Times: From 7:30am - 10am

  • Pick Up Point: Your choice

  • Activity Level Range: Low-Moderate

  • Total Drive Time: TBC

  • Accessibility: Fully accessible.

This is a tour specifically designed for you. It is estimated that the number of Scot’s living outside of Scotland is 6 times that who actually live in Scotland. So if you happen to be one of the 30+ million people who have Scottish roots let us know a bit about your history and we will where possible organise a local tour for you which will take you to your ancestral home and it’s surroundings. We will take you to local areas of interest and endeavor to give you a taste of your history.

If your ancestral home is too far away for us to do this practically we will send you some information that you may be able to use at some other point in your trip or for a return journey some time in the future. There will be no charge for this service but we will require some notice and a bit of time to carry out the research for you.

We look forward to the chance to welcoming you to your home.

Scottish clan map